Friday, October 17, 2008

Preping our New Space for Spring

We did some work this week prepping the rows at Cathy and Georges. We pulled weeds one day to clear the area before George went at it with the tractor. Digging dirt from the trenches that George made with the said tractor and piling it up to make a raised bed. The trench is then filled with wood chips. Still more to go. Will have to kick butt next week!

The chickens seem to have moved into a new stage this week with big chicken noises coming out of a couple of them. The same ones are becoming more aggressive with each other. We are looking for some guidance from our local chicken folks. We still don't know if they are girlzzzzzzz...we have along way to go with our farm knowledge!!!

Still have plants to bring in before the frost. The weather has been beautiful here in Rhode Island!

1 comment:

Lupine Lady said...

You need a comment on your blog! So here I am to tell you that you all are just fabulous. I am so happy to know you and see people going about with gen-u-ine lives. Vote Obama!